Rajasthan: Trade and Commerce

Rajasthan: Trade and Commerce Rajasthan had inherited poorstatus in respect of development of industries. Hence, to boost up the economy of the State through planned development, both the State Government and the private sector are making sincere and dedicated efforts for speedy development of various type of  Industries, since the very beginning of five year … Read more Rajasthan: Trade and Commerce


  Kerala Economy is grappling with 3 necessary issues; one is the reduction within the share of agriculture and allied sectors and sluggish performance of industrial sector in State income. The third is that the severe resource crunch faced by the state for endeavour development expenditure. In 2004-05, the share of agriculture and business in … Read more KERALA PUBLIC FINANCE AND FISCAL POLICY

Kerala Trade & Commerce

Kerala Trade & Commerce The basic objective of economic reforms was to improve productivity growth and competitiveness in the Indian manufacturing sector. These reforms were aimed at making Indian manufacturing sector more efficient and technologically up to date, with the expectation that these changes would enable Indian manufacturing sector to achieve higher and sustainable growth. … Read more Kerala Trade & Commerce