Revolt of 1857 of Rajasthan

 Revolt of 1857 of Rajasthan       During the 1857 several Rajputs of Rajasthan were against the British Government. They were not satisfied with the rule of the Britishers, and the seeds of revolution started to emerge against the government. Common public also joined them. In many areas of Rajasthan, there was a flame … Read more Revolt of 1857 of Rajasthan

Quality of life, life expectancy, literacy, standard of living and migration in India

Quality of life, life expectancy, literacy, standard of living and migration in India Human development—a comprehensive approach Human development is a process of enlarging people’s choices. But human development is also the objective, so it is both a process and an outcome. Human development implies that people must influence the processes that shape their lives. … Read more Quality of life, life expectancy, literacy, standard of living and migration in India

Worker, Peasant and tribal Movement in Kerala

Worker, Peasant and tribal Movement in Kerala:- Worker and Peasant movement:- Peasants and workers also formed their organizations. They agitated for reforms.By 1930s a strong leftist movement emerged in Kerala. Socialism and Communism influenced many leaders and the Kerala Provincial Congress Committee was dominated by leftists were under the leadership of EM.S. Nambuthiripad and P.S. … Read more Worker, Peasant and tribal Movement in Kerala


FREEDOM MOVEMENT IN KERALA:- Kerala has the unique distinction of being a region where patriotic Indians revolted against the British rulers even before the first freedom struggle of 1857, which was labelled by the British as ‘Sepoy Mutiny’. In the three zones of Kerala, namely, Malabar, Cochin and Travancore, there were uprisings against the British … Read more FREEDOM MOVEMENT IN KERALA

British Rule in Kerala

British Rule in Kerala:- Like any other Europeans, British also had great interest in Kerala. They too were attracted by the spices and other natural treasures of the land. British supremacy in Kerala started by the mid seventeenth century and lasted for the next 200 years until independence. Though a number of wars and revolts … Read more British Rule in Kerala