FREEDOM MOVEMENT IN KERALA:- Kerala has the unique distinction of being a region where patriotic Indians revolted against the British rulers even before the first freedom struggle of 1857, which was labelled by the British as ‘Sepoy Mutiny’. In the three zones of Kerala, namely, Malabar, Cochin and Travancore, there were uprisings against the British … Read more FREEDOM MOVEMENT IN KERALA

Folk Dances of Kerala

Folk Dances of Kerala:- Dance and art forms are integral parts of a region’s culture. ‘God’s Own Country’ Kerala boasts of its several forms of dances and art. Some of the folk dances which are native to the state have gained popularity. They are performed during temple festivals and other ceremonious occasions. These folk dances … Read more Folk Dances of Kerala

British Rule in Kerala

British Rule in Kerala:- Like any other Europeans, British also had great interest in Kerala. They too were attracted by the spices and other natural treasures of the land. British supremacy in Kerala started by the mid seventeenth century and lasted for the next 200 years until independence. Though a number of wars and revolts … Read more British Rule in Kerala