24-09-21 Daily-Kerala-KPSC Current Affairs

Kerala Affairs

A plea filed by Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple has been declined by S.C.

The Supreme Court declined Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple Trusts Plea in 2020, Seeking to exempt it from the audit of 25 years as ordered by the court.


The Temple has been within the news since 2011 after discovering treasure worth over Rs. 1 lakh crore in its secret vaults.

The SC in 2011 said, as per customary law, members of the royalty have shebait rights even after the death of the last ruler.

Shebait rights mean the proper to manage the financial affairs of the deity.

The previous Travancore royalty created the Padmanabhaswamy Temple Trust.

However, the court ordered arranging an executive committee with the Thiruvananthapuram District Judge as its chairperson for transparent administration of the Temple within the future.

The trust argues that the court ordered it to oversee rituals of the Temple, with no role of the administration.

National and International Affairs

A Unique SPIN Scheme Launched By KVIC

Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) kick-started the (SPIN) Strengthening the Potential of India scheme to make potters self-sustainable.


Under SPIN, KVIC will help potters get easy loans from banks which helps to expand their activities and improve their income.

It is directed at by creating local self-EMPLOYMENT, joined with the Prime Ministers commitment to Job to Every Hand (Har Hath Me Kaam).

It will lessen their dependence on government subsidies and thus make potters self-reliant.

It is a no-subsidy program.

KVIC aids potters to get bank loans under Pradhan Mantri Shishu Mudra Yojana.

No financial burden on the bank.

Beneficiaries can repay the loans in easy instalments.

Himalayan Film festival will run for five days from September 24 to 28.

Ladakh is hosting the film festival as part of the celebrations of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav to commemorate 75 years of Indias Independence.

The 5-day festival will comprise of several segments to capture audience and film buffs alike.

The five-day festival is being organised with the aim of creating an interactive and exposure platform in order to promote aspiring local filmmakers as well as to showcase Ladakh as an attractive film destination.

COP 26 – India Pushing for Climate Finance, Green Tech Transfer

In the Conference of Parties, India has been stressing and repeating its position on the transfer and finance of green technologies from developed countries to developing ones (COP 26).

Key points:

In November 2021, the UN <a href="https://exam.pscnotes.com/Climate-change”>Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC) will hold its 26th meeting in Glasgow.

Green technology transfer is seen as critical to achieving an ambitious conclusion at the next climate summit.

Critical climate activities on finance, mitigation, and adaptation were also considered during the meeting to address the global crisis.

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was developed as an Environment protection convention to address “human interference with the climate system.” It was formed in part by stabilizing the amounts of greenhouse gases in the Atmosphere. In 1992, 154 countries signed the agreement at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the Earth Summit.

International start-up hubs ranking 2021 was recently compiled and published by Start-up Genome for its annual Global Start-up Ecosystem Report 2021.

As per the comprehensive ranking of international start-ups, London,MumbaiandBangalorehave been featured among the worlds top start-up hubs.

London maintained the second-place ranking along with the New York for second consecutive year, despite Brexit and the coronavirus pandemic.

Bangalorehas also been ranked at 23rdposition, maintaining the position among top 30 global tech hubs.

Delhi was ranked at 36th

Mumbaihas been ranked at first position in the Emerging Ecosystems ranking, outperforming the fast-growing ecosystems in areas of performance, funding, talent and market research.

Karnataka is also the 4th largest technology and innovation cluster in the world and is Home to more than 400+ global R & D centres.

WHO Tightens Global Air Pollution Standards

The World Health Organisation revised its air quality guidelines for the first time since 2005 in keeping with WHO.


Tightening the guidelines, WHO aim to spur countries toward clean energy and stop deaths and illnesses caused by pollution.

The new recommendations mainly target pollutants, including particulate and dioxide, found in fuel emissions.

Air Pollution kills a minimum of seven million people prematurely each year.

Even at deficient levels, research has shown air pollution affects all parts of the body, from the brain to a growing baby during a mothers womb.

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