Family is a smallest basic social unit which performs various functions like biological, psychological, economical etc. The form and the characteristics of the families are changing.
- Joint family to nuclear family.
- Concept of single mother, single father.
- Supreme court has given legal sanction to live in couple as family.
The reasons for the changes in the family system are
- In search of Job, members of the family move outside and start to live there and hence family become independent unit.
- The urge of individualism is against the traditional joint family system.
- Effect of globalisation, urbanisation has effect on the pattern of family.
- Now nuclear family are producing less offspring i.e. not more than 2 which is also putting restriction on the size of the family.
- Effect of Westernisation and modernisations has also affected the family structure.
- Cost of living has increased in urban areas which compelled lower size of the family.