Fresh water ecosystems- The salt content of fresh bodies is very low, always less than 5 ppt  (parts per thousand). E.g lakes, ponds, pools, springs, streams, and rivers Marine ecosystems – the water bodies containing salt concentration equal to or above that of sea water (i.e., 35 ppt or above). E.g shallow seas and … Read more AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM


  Deserts are formed in regions with less than 25 cm of annual rainfall, .or sometimes in hot regions where there is more rainfall, but unevenly distributed in the annual cycle. Lack’ of rain in the mid latitude is often due to stable high pressure zones; deserts in temperate regions often lie in “rain shadows”, … Read more DESERT ECOSYSTEM


  found where rainfall is about 25-75 cm per year, not enough to support a forest, but more than that of a true desert. vegetation formations that are generally found in temperate climates. In India, they are found mainly in the high Himalayas. The rest of India’s grasslands aremainly composed of steppes and savannas. Steppe … Read more GRASSLAND ECOSYTEM


    Forest ecosystem includes a complex assemblage of different kinds of biotic communities. Optimum conditions such as temperature and ground moisture are responsible for the establishment of forest communities. Forests may be evergreen or deciduous which are distinguished on the basis of leaf into broad-leafed or needle leafed coniferous forests in the case of … Read more FOREST ECOSYSTEM


    The interrelations between organisms and environment on the land constitute “Terrestrial Ecology”. The most important limiting factors of the terrestrial ecosystems are moisture and temperature.     TUNDRA The word tundra means a “barren land” since they are found where environmental conditions are very severe. There are two types of tundra- arctic and … Read more    TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS


    Ecology is  defined “as a scientific study of the relationship of the living organisms with each other and with their environment.” The classical texts of the Vedic period such as the Vedas, the Samhitas, the Brahmanas and the Aranyakas-Upanishads contain many references to ecological concepts .The Indian treatise on medicine, the Caraka- Samhita … Read more ECOLOGY

Miscellaneous Facts:

Miscellaneous Facts:   India’s GDP per Capita 622 (US $ PPP). It is 684 US $ for Pakistan.   The top 3 countries with external debt are Brazil (235 billion $), China (193 billion $) & Russia (175 billion $). India is 9th with 112 billion $.   Functional employment occurs when people change from … Read more Miscellaneous Facts:

Commissions/Committees & Their Purpose

  Commissions/Committees & Their Purpose Arjun Sen Gupta   Public Sector Enterprise Autonomy Committee         Rangarajan Committee   Disinvestment of PSUs & Balance of Payments. Malhotra Committee   Insurance Sector & its regulation. Follow up led to setting up of IRDA. Madhukar Committee   Gold exchange traded fund implementation. L.C. Gupta Committee … Read more Commissions/Committees & Their Purpose

Four Modes of Services under GATT

  Four Modes of Services under GATT Mode 1 Cross border trade, which is defined as delivery of a service from the territory of one   country into the territory of other country; Mode 2 Consumption abroad – this mode covers supply of a service of one country to the service   consumer of any … Read more Four Modes of Services under GATT

Direct & Indirect Taxes

    Direct & Indirect Taxes   Direct Tax   Indirect Tax     Corporation Tax   Excise Duties     Income Tax   Service Tax     Interest Tax   Central Value Added Tax (Vat)     Expenditure Tax   Sales Tax     Wealth Tax   Property Tax     Gift Tax   … Read more Direct & Indirect Taxes

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