28-04-21 Daily-Kerala-KPSC Current Affairs

Kerala Affairs

Kerala Infrastructure of Technology and Education to fix First Bell shortcomings

With thesecond waveof thepandemicprevailing intensely in the state,online classesanddigital learningare likely to be the medium of Education in the upcoming academic year too. To rectify the shortcomings and make digital Learning more student-friendly and effective,Kerala of Technology and Education(KITE) has submitted a proposal to the State Government. The proposal, submitted byKITEchief executive officerK Anwar Sadath, suggests a few additions to the existing First Bell programme based on the experiences gained over the last one year.

KITE proposed to schedule the digital learning system in order to clear the academic gap in students. The plan is to keep a balance between centralized online classes, like the ones in Victers TV, and online lessons delivered by respective teachers at school level. Also, it must be structured in a way that teachers continuous support is provided to students along with the provisions for continuous evaluation.

Suggestions at four levels academic, technological, implementation and monitoring were proposed by KITE to achieve the intended results.

National and International Affairs

Gk bit : Difference between Chaff and Flares:

Both chaff & flares are defensive countermeasures deployed by using navy aircraft. The cause is to confuse radar-guided or infrared-guided anti-plane missiles fired so that they may want to be diverted.

The Chaff is composed of many small aluminium or zinc lined fibres saved on-board the plane in tubes. In case the plane feels threatened by means of any radar monitoring missiles, chaff is ejected into the turbulent wake of air at the back of the plane.

Flares on being fired grant an alternate strong IR (Infrared) source to heat-seeking anti-air missiles. Thus they are lured away from the aircraft.

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